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14 Days Memoir - Lisa Goich, Abschied & Liebe, Softcover

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Innerhalb von 30 Tagen
Produktart Autobiografie
Zustand Gut
Autor Lisa Goich
EAN 9781618685605
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Darum geht es

Wann hast du das letzte Mal ein Buch gelesen, das dich zum Weinen und zum Lachen gebracht hat? '14 Days' ist nicht nur eine Geschichte über Verlust, sondern auch eine Feier des Lebens. Es lehrt uns, wie man Abschied nimmt, ohne loszulassen, und wie man Erinnerungen bewahrt, ohne in der Vergangenheit zu leben. Dieses Buch ist eine Achterbahnfahrt der Gefühle, die dich durch die Höhen und Tiefen der menschlichen Erfahrung führt. Es ist eine Hommage an die unzerbrechliche Bindung zwischen Mutter und Tochter und eine Erinnerung daran, dass Liebe über den Tod hinausgeht. Mit jeder Seite wirst du tiefer in die Geschichte gezogen, bis du am Ende das Buch zuklappst und dich fragst, wie du jemals ohne es ausgekommen bist.


Offizielle Beschreibung

Kurzbeschreibung "I wonder if my first breath was as soul-stirring to my mother as her last breath was to me."   How do you let go of a hand you've held your whole life? When Lisa traveled home to visit her parents in December 2011, she never expected an ordinary three-day weekend to turn into an extraordinary 14-day observance of her mother’s life – and ultimately – death. 14 Days is a story of parental loss, and how to lovingly, bravely and gracefully let go of a hand you’ve been holding your entire life.  From a child’s first breath, to a mother’s last, this memoir shows how closing that circle can be a celebration of this unbreakable bond. Pressestimmen " intimate, sacred pilgrimage into the soul-bond between a mother and daughter who genuinely lived the meaning of unconditional love. Written with honesty, humor, and above all, great love and respect, Lisa Goich-Andreadis offers us a memoir that lights up the experience of loss with a comforting grace." -- Michael Bernard Beckwith, author of Life Visioning"Written with love, empathy, and humor, Lisa Goich’s story of her mother’s final journey is at once heartbreaking and inspiring." -- Carole King, singer, songwriter and author of A Natural Woman"I LOVE this book! 14 DAYS is a beautiful gift from the heart of a daughter to the spirit of her mother." -- Sunny Dawn Johnston, author of The Love Never Ends and Invoking the Archangels"One of the greatest and most challenging tasks of life is saying goodbye to our parents. Whether the relationship was good or difficult, all sorts of feelings and memories are jarred when we walk this path. This book presents a beautiful and accurate description of one person's experience of that very important process. While it is indeed one person's journey, there are lessons to be studied that are universal!" -- J. Donald Schumacher, PsyD, President and CEO, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende Lisa Goich is an award-winning copywriter, major market talk radio host, blogger, journalist and former stand-up comedian. Graduating from Central Michigan University with a degree in journalism, she has spent her life dedicated to the written word, the spoken word and the arts. Lisa has worked for some of the biggest names and corporations in the literary and entertainment business, including Mitch Albom, Carole King, Robert Redford, ABC, The WB, CAA and Playboy. She has written ads for The American Red Cross, KFC, 7-Eleven, Thorn Apple Valley, and numerous TV and radio stations. As a talk radio host and producer, Lisa has worked for major market terrestrial radio stations KFI AM 640 in Los Angeles (America's #1 Talk Radio Station), the iconic WJR AM 760 in Detroit, KLSX/Los Angeles and KTLK/Los Angeles. Lisa currently serves as a senior project manager for the Jazz and Comedy genres of the GRAMMY Awards. Lisa's first book,The Breakup Diary, was published in 2002. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, musician Teddy Andreadis (Guns &Roses, Carole King, Alice Cooper, Billy Bob Thornton), and their four rescue dogs. She and her Maltese mix, Angie, work with hospice patients and their families, helping to make their transitions to the other side a loving, bonding and peaceful experience.


Nutzloses Wissen

Unverzichtbare Tatsache: Dieses Buch hat eine Vorrede von Mitch Albom.


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