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Bloomsbury Sachbuch 'Everybody Lies' - Datenanalyse & Internet

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Produktart Sachbuch für Kinder
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Autor Seth Stephens-Davidowitz
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Darum geht es

Ein humorvoller Tiefgang in die Abgründe der menschlichen Psyche – Google weiß alles!


Offizielle Beschreibung

PressestimmenThis book is about a whole new way of studying the mind ... Time and again my preconceptions about my country and my species were turned upside-down by Stephens-Davidowitz's discoveries ... endlessly fascinating -- Steven Pinker, author of The Better Angels of Our NatureMove over Freakonomics. Move over Moneyball. This brilliant book is the best demonstration yet of how big data plus cleverness can illuminate and then move the world. Read it and you'll see life in a new way -- Lawrence Summers, President Emeritus and Charles W. Eliot University Professor of Harvard UniversityA whirlwind tour of the human psyche . The empirical findings in "Everybody Lies" are so intriguing that the book would be a page-turner even if it were structured as a mere laundry list. But Mr Stephens-Davidowitz also puts forward a deft argument ― EconomistEverybody Lies relies on big data to rip the veneer of what we like to think of as our civilized selves. A book that is fascinating, shocking, sometimes horrifying, but above all, revealing -- Tim Wu, author of The Attention MerchantsFreakonomics on steroids--this book shows how big data can give us surprising new answers to important and interesting questions. Seth Stephens-Davidowitz brings data analysis alive in a crisp, witty manner, providing a terrific introduction to how big data is shaping social science -- Raj Chetty, Professor of Economics at Stanford UniversityEverybody Lies is a spirited and enthralling examination of the data of our lives. Drawing on a wide variety of revelatory sources, Seth Stephens-Davidowitz will make you cringe, chuckle, and wince at the people you thought we were -- Christian Rudder, author of DataclysmA tour de force--a well-written and entertaining journey through big data that, along the way, happens to put forward an important new perspective on human behavior itself. If you want to understand what's going on in the world, or even with your friends, this is one book you should read cover to cover -- Peter Orszag, Managing Director, LazardBrimming with intriguing anecdotes and counterintuitive facts, Stephens-Davidowitz does his level best to help usher in a new age of human understanding, one digital data point at a time -- Fortune, Best New Business BooksStephens-Davidowitz, a former data scientist at Google, has spent the last four years poring over Internet search data . . . What he found is that Internet search data might be the Holy Grail when it comes to understanding the true nature of humanity ― New York PostEverybody Lies is an astoundingly clever and mischievous exploration of what big data tells us about everyday life. Seth Stephens-Davidowitz is as good a data storyteller as I have ever met -- Steven Levitt, co-author, FreakonomicsA sobering guide to how much of ourselves we're putting online and what private companies might do with that information -- Helen Lewis ― New Statesman 'Books of the Year'It's a wonderful book, but I would say that, wouldn't I? -- Danny DoyleStephens-Davidowitz censures academics and other researchers for ignoring the largest data set ever collected, and he is probably not overstating it when he claims that the continuing study of these searches "will radically expand our understanding of mankind". This undemanding book is a useful first step towards that knowledge' -- Oliver Thring ― Sunday TimesEverybody Lies is an absorbing, and impassioned examination of new data sources ... as an introduction to our fascinating new universe of data, Everybody Lies is hard to beat -- John Thornhill ― Financial TimesSeth Stephens-Davidowitz in his book "Everybody Lies," tackles the discrepancy between the ideal version of ourselves we present to the world via social media and the confessions that we would never post there -- Judy Ketteler ― International New York TimesKurzbeschreibungTHE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERAN ECONOMIST BOOK OF THE YEAR 2017Insightful, surprising and with ground-brea


Nutzloses Wissen

  Wusstest du, dass der Autor, Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, ein ehemaliger Datenwissenschaftler bei Google ist? Er hat vier Jahre lang Internet-Suchdaten analysiert, um dieses Buch zu schreiben.


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