Buch Colloquial Japanese: The Complete Course for Beginners

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Innerhalb von 30 Tagen
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Autor Fumitsugu Enokida, Junko Ogawa
EAN 9781138949881
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Denn Colloquial Japanese bietet einen Schritt-für-Schritt-Kurs in der japanischen Sprache, wie sie heute geschrieben und gesprochen wird. Diese neue Ausgabe wurde von erfahrenen Lehrern komplett neu geschrieben und kombiniert einen zugänglichen Ansatz mit einer gründlichen Behandlung der Sprache. Sie rüstet Lernende mit den wesentlichen Fähigkeiten aus, die benötigt werden, um selbstbewusst und effektiv auf Japanisch in einer Vielzahl von Situationen zu kommunizieren. Es sind keine Vorkenntnisse der Sprache erforderlich. Fortschrittliche Abdeckung von Sprech-, Hör-, Lese- und Schreibfähigkeiten, jargonfreie Erklärungen der Grammatik und realistische Dialoge machen dieses Buch zu einem unverzichtbaren Begleiter. Zusätzliche Ressourcen wie ein vollständiger Lösungsschlüssel und ein Grammatiküberblick runden das Angebot ab.


Offizielle Beschreibung

Colloquial Japanese provides a step-by-step course in Japanese as it is written and spoken today. This new edition has been completely rewritten by experienced teachers; it combines an accessible approach with a thorough treatment of the language, equipping learners with the essential skills needed to communicate confidently and effectively in Japanese in a broad range of situations. No prior knowledge of the language is features include:progressive coverage of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills jargon-free explanations of grammar, with key structures presented through user-friendly diagrams Coverage of the different writing systems of Japanese: hiragana, katakana and kanji an extensive range of focused and stimulating exercises realistic and entertaining dialogues covering a broad variety of scenarios useful vocabulary lists throughout the text additional resources available at the back of the book, including a full answer key, a grammar summary, a verb/adjective list with conjugation aid, bilingual glossaries and English translations of dialoguesBalanced, comprehensive and rewarding, Colloquial Japanese will be an indispensable resource both for independent learners and for students taking courses in material to accompany the course is available to download free in MP3 format from /cw/colloquials. Recorded by native speakers, the audio material features the dialogues and texts from the book and will help develop your listening and pronunciation skills. Supplementary exercise sheets for hiragana, katakana and kanji and two additional units can also be found here. These additonal units cover more advanced features of Japanese and incorporate a wide assortment of supporting the end of this course, you will be at Level B1 of the Common European Framework for Languages and at the Intermediate-Mid on the ACTFL proficiency scales.

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