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Captain James Cook Atlantic Canada - Jerry Lockett, Hardcover, Englisch

27,95 Euro inkl. MwSt.
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Innerhalb von 30 Tagen
Produktart Biografischer Roman
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Autor Jerry Lockett
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Darum geht es

Wann immer man sich fragt, wie ein Mann ohne nennenswerte formale Bildung zu einem der größten Entdecker aller Zeiten aufsteigen konnte, ist dieses Buch die Antwort. Es ist die Geschichte von James Cooks weniger bekannten, aber ebenso abenteuerlichen Jahren in Atlantik-Kanada, wo er von einem einfachen Warrant Officer zu einem Meister der Kartografie und Seefahrt wurde. Mit einer Prise Seesalz und einem Hauch von Meeresbrise erzählt Jerry Lockett von Cooks Aufstieg, seinen Herausforderungen und den mysteriösen unbeantworteten Fragen, die seine frühen Jahre umgeben. Dieses Buch ist nicht nur eine Biografie, es ist eine Schatzkarte, die zu den verborgenen Juwelen in Cooks Leben führt. Es ist eine humorvolle, lehrreiche und manchmal überraschende Reise durch die Zeit, die zeigt, dass auch die größten Helden einmal klein anfangen mussten.


Offizielle Beschreibung

Kurzbeschreibung Captain James Cook was arguably the greatest explorer the world has ever seen. Yet he came from a humble background and received hardly any formal first set foot in Halifax in 1758 as a highly competent—but undistinguished—warrant officer in His Majesty’s Royal Navy. When he left Atlantic Canada ten years later, he had acquired the skills and the reputation that made him the obvious choice to lead a British voyage of discovery to the Pacific. In Atlantic Canada Cook learned the importance of a healthy crew, he perfected his navigation and seamanship skills, and he mastered the arts of surveying, hydrography and cartography. He also acquired a good knowledge of mathematics and astronomy and encountered a handful of men who would become his patrons and mentors. And a few intriguing questions about this period of his life remain Cook’s three spectacularly successful voyages of discovery in the Pacific have long eclipsed his earlier, formative years. This book is an attempt to shed a little light on those years. Pressestimmen ... a most useful addition to the James Cook literature....the main features of Cook's work in North American waters are nicely outlined. The writing is clear and this engaging portrait of the explorer as a young man, Lockett focuses on Cook's formative years in Eastern Canada, describing in vivid detail his role in both the Louisbourg and Quebec campaigns, as well as his survey of Newfoundland.... The author's intimate knowledge of the history of the region, as well as his meticulous research and accessible style, make this book a compelling occasion an historical publication will appear that one wishes one had written oneself, and Jerry Lockett's superb study of the Canadian career of James Cook is just such a work...demonstrates with clarity, pragmatic explanation, and unassailable detail the formative character of Cook's relationship with Canada... Lockett's excellent, readable work belongs on the shelf alongside Beaglehole, Robson, and others who have led the way in illuminating the life and achievements of this extraordinary Yorkshire is a book for every resident of the Maritimes and Newfoundland and Labrador to read and treasure, and a must-have volume for any student of marine 's study is a valuable contribution because he takes as his focus not the 'captain, ' but rather the 'master.' ...Captain James Cook in Atlantic Canada offers scholarly and popular audiences a window into Cook's formative years, his experiences in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, and his progress from an ambitious merchant seaman to one of the world's most famous explorers. Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende JERRY LOCKETT is an independent historian and editor. A two-time Atlantic Journalism Awards finalist, his work has appeared in New Scientist, BBC Wildlife Magazine, Geographical Magazine, Equinox, Cruising World, and Blue Water Sailing, among others. His first book, Captain James Cook in Atlantic Canada, won the Dartmouth Book Award in 2011 and was a finalist for the Margaret and John Savage First Book Award. An experienced sailor and yachtmaster, he spent five years as a charter yacht captain in the Caribbean and now lives and sails in Halifax, Nova Scotia.


Nutzloses Wissen

Stuffle: James Cook war ein berĂĽhmter britischer Entdecker und Kartograf.


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