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Henning Mankell 'The Pyramid' Buch Krimi Skandinavisch Wallander

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Innerhalb von 30 Tagen
Produktart Kriminalroman
Zustand Gut
EAN 9780099571780
Buchthema Krimi Bestseller, Krimi Klassiker, Krimireihen, Skandinavische Krimis
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Wann hast du das letzte Mal ein Buch in die Hand genommen, das dich nicht mehr loslässt? 'The Pyramid' von Henning Mankell ist genau so ein Meisterwerk. Es ist die Essenz skandinavischer Kriminalliteratur, ein Buch, das dich in die Tiefen menschlicher Abgründe führt. Spüre die Gänsehaut, wenn du Seite um Seite umblätterst und dem Geheimnis von Kurt Wallander auf die Spur kommst. Dieses Buch ist nicht nur eine Lektüre, es ist eine Erfahrung, die dich verändern wird. Tauche ein in die düstere Atmosphäre und lass dich von Mankells Erzählkunst fesseln. Stuffle präsentiert dir diesen literarischen Schatz, bereit, deine Welt zu erobern.


Offizielle Beschreibung

PressestimmenMankell is the master of Scandinavian crime, much imitated, never bettered ― IndependentAn excellent collection ― New York Times[A] brilliant collection of stories from the grand master of chilly Scandinavian crime ― Daily MirrorAbsorbing... A good book for newcomers to start with ― Daily TelegraphThe master of the long, dark night ― Crime TimeKurzbeschreibung** The inspiration for the NETFLIX original series Young Wallander - out now **When Kurt Wallander first appeared in Faceless Killers, he was a senior police officer, just turned forty, with his life in a mess. His wife had left him, his father barely acknowledged him; he ate badly and drank alone at Pyramid chronicles the events that led him to such a place. We see him in the early years, doing hours on the beat whilst trying to solve a murder off-duty; witness the beginnings of his fragile relationship with Mona, the woman he has his heart set on marrying; and learn the reason behind his difficulties with his father. These thrilling tales provide a fascinating insight into Wallander's character, from the stabbing of a neighbour in 1969 to a light aircraft accident in 1989, every story is a vital piece of the Wallander series, showing Mankell at the top of his an introduction from the author, The Pyramid is an essential read for all fans of Kurt ückseiteWhen Kurt Wallander first appeared in Faceless Killers, he was a senior police officer, just turned forty, with his life in a mess. His wife had left him, his father barely acknowledged him; he ate badly and drank alone at Pyramid chronicles the events that led him to such a place. We see him in the early years, doing hours on the beat whilst trying to solve a murder off-duty; witness the beginnings of his fragile relationship with Mona, the woman he has his heart set on marrying; and learn the reason behind his difficulties with his father. These thrilling tales provide a fascinating insight into Wallander's character, from the stabbing of a neighbour in 1969 to a light aircraft accident in 1989, every story is a vital piece of the Wallander series, showing Mankell at the top of his an introduction from the author, The Pyramid is an essential read for all fans of Kurt Wallander.Über den Autor und weitere MitwirkendeHenning Mankell (1948-2015) became a worldwide phenomenon with his crime writing, gripping thrillers and atmospheric novels set in Africa. His prizewinning and critically acclaimed Inspector Wallander Mysteries continue to dominate bestseller lists all over the globe and his books have been translated into forty-five languages and made into numerous international film and television adaptations: most recently the BAFTA-award-winning BBC television series Wallander, starring Kenneth by a desire to change the world and to fight against racism and nationalism, Mankell devoted much of his time to working with charities in Africa, including SOS Children’s Villages and PLAN International, where he was also director of the Teatro Avenida in Maputo. In 2008, the University of St Andrews conferred Henning Mankell with an honorary degree of Doctor of Letters in recognition of his major contribution to literature and to the practical exercise of


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