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- New American Living Rooms, Hardcover, Designbuch

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Produktart Coffetable Book
Zustand Gut
Autor Chris Casson Madden
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Darum geht es

Niemals zuvor war es so einfach, dein Wohnzimmer in eine Oase der Gemütlichkeit zu verwandeln. Mit diesem Buch in der Hand wirst du zum Meister der Wohnraumgestaltung. Du lernst, wie man Farben harmonisch kombiniert, Möbel optimal platziert und Beleuchtung gezielt einsetzt. Du wirst zum Gastgeber der besten Abende, denn dein Wohnzimmer wird zum ultimativen Treffpunkt. Deine Freunde werden staunen und deine Familie wird sich fragen, wann du heimlich Innenarchitektur studiert hast. Und das Beste? Du kannst all das erreichen, während du gemütlich auf deinem Sofa sitzt und durch die Seiten blätterst.


Offizielle Beschreibung

Kurzbeschreibung Usually the first room to greet guests, the living room is not only the most public area of any home, but also its most multifunctional. This essential room fills a variety of roles—from entertainment center to study area, children’s play zone to library, not to mention serving as the family’s gathering space, complete with couch and coffee table. Now Chris Casson Madden, nationally renowned design expert and author of Bedrooms, Getaways,and A Room of Her Own, imparts a wealth of decorating expertise in her new book, Chris Casson Madden’s New American Living Rooms. Showcasing a dazzling array of some of the most beautiful rooms across the country, Madden proves that living rooms can be at once practical, inviting, and inspiring. Living rooms often present unique design challenges: they can range from great rooms with fifteen-foot-high ceilings that stretch across half the house to small spaces that relate awkwardly to the rest of the home. In addition, the multifunctional character of these areas makes them all the more complex. Yet Madden highlights a myriad of design solutions that can make decorating this room painless, even pleasurable. She offers options and ideas to suit many tastes—whether you favor sleek, modern styling or old-world elegance, Asian-inspired elements or classical homes from California to Connecticut, New Mexico to Maine, the book features nearly two dozen extraordinary living rooms. For large, open spaces, Madden offers creative ways to integrate all the activities of a living room, dining room, family room, library, bar, and study. She examines spaces that open onto gardens, pools, kitchens, or play areas and others that are centered around musical instruments, entertainment units, art, or books. She offers terrific ideas for handling storage and equipment problems and shows how the same room can be used for quiet time, family time, and , Madden presents living rooms that are gorgeous, at times even luxurious, while remaining comfortable, nurturing, and appropriate for the families who use them—a difficult balance to strike, but it’s what makes Chris Casson Madden’s New American Living Rooms the essential guide to decorating these rooms for real life. Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende CHRIS CASSON MADDEN is the author of the bestselling A Room of Her Own: Women’s Personal Spaces, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Chris Madden’s Guide to Personalizing Your Home, Getaways, and, most recently, Bedrooms. The host of HGTV’s Interiors by Design, she has also been a regular contributor to the Today show and has served as design correspondent for The Oprah Show and Later Today. She writes a syndicated design column that appears in more than 380 newspapers nationwide and has designed a line of home furnishings—the Chris Madden Collection—reflecting her design mantra of “home as haven” for Bassett Furniture and Mohawk Home, among others. Chris lives in Westchester County, New York, with her husband, two sons, and two West Highland terriers. Leseprobe. Abdruck erfolgt mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Rechteinhaber. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Some people love old barns and outbuildings the way others are fascinated by old trains, roadside diners, or autos. Beyond the aesthetic appeal lies the urge to lay claim-to rebuild and restore these artifacts of the American past. Oftentimes, it is not to their original purpose that restoration plans beckon. Rather, it is to showcase them so that others might share the appreciation and respect felt by their owners."We found this early-nineteenth-century barn in New Hampshire that was going to be torn down. I knew I had to have it and that I would find a place for it somewhere," says the homeowner who now lives elegantly in that barn. "It was disassembled and placed in storage and remained there for several years. It was only after we bought our current home that I knew what I was going to do with the barn


Nutzloses Wissen

Außergewöhnlich: Dieses Buch kann das Ambiente deines Wohnzimmers verändern, ohne dass du Möbel rücken musst.


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