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Right Hand Magic - Nancy A. Collins Urban Fantasy Golgotham

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Produktart Magie und ĂśbernatĂĽrliches
Zustand Sehr gut
Autor Nancy A. Collins
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Darum geht es

Außergewöhnlich ist das Leben der aufstrebenden Künstlerin Tate, die in das seltsamste Viertel Manhattans zieht. Dort trifft sie auf Hexe, einen Zauberer, der ohne dunkle Magie auskommen will. Zusammen erleben sie Abenteuer, die zeigen, dass die rechte Hand nicht immer weiß, was die linke tut. Ein Kampf gegen die Dunkelheit beginnt, und Tate muss lernen, in einer Welt voller Magie und Mysterien zu bestehen.


Offizielle Beschreibung

Kurzbeschreibung Like most Manhattanites, aspiring artist Tate can't resist a good rental deal-even if it's in the city's strangest neighborhood, Golgotham, where for centuries werewolves, centaurs, and countless other creatures have roamed the streets. Her new landlord is a sorcerer name Hexe, who is determined to build his reputation without using dark, left-hand magic. As Tate is drawn into Hexe's fascinating world, they both find that the right hand does not always know what the left hand is doing-and avoiding darkness is no easy trick...View our feature on Nancy A Collins' Right Hand Magic. Pressestimmen "An entertaining story that demonstrates an amazing breadth of imagination and introduces a fascinating alternate intriguing introduction to an environment peopled with eccentric and memorable characters." - "Collins is especially skilled at portraying the sweaty, nervous moments when everything goes wrong and help is too far away...a very well done portrayal of a strange neighborhood amid our all-too-mundane reality. - "Nancy A. Collins has reminded me why I loved [urban fantasy] in the first place...a lot of fun." - "[A] great beginning to what appears to be a fantastic new urban fantasy series. I look forward to reading the second story to see what the author does with this incredible and complex neighborhood." - "[Collins] does an excellent job of bringing Golgotham and its unusual occupants vividly to life, yet grounding the story in reality. Compelling characters and dangerous drama add up to dynamic and exciting fun!" -Romantic Times (4 stars) Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende Nancy A. Collins has authored more than 15 novels, numerous short stories, and served as writer for DC Comics' Swamp Thing for two years. She is a recipient of the HWA's Stoker Award and the British Fantasy Society Award, and has been nominated for the Eisner, John Campbell Memorial, World Fantasy & International Horror Guild Awards. Best known for her ground-breaking vampire character, Sonja Blue, her works include Sunglasses After Dark, her Southern Gothic collection Knuckles And Tales, & the Vamps series for Young Adults. She currently resides in the Cape Fear area of North Carolina with her fiancé, Tommy, and their Boston Terrier, Chopper. Leseprobe. Abdruck erfolgt mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Rechteinhaber. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. The address I was looking for was at the very top of Golden Hill Street, between Perdition and Beekman. Unlike the rest of the surrounding city, there had never been an attempt to turn Golgotham into flat, orderly squares. Because of this, the basic layout of the neighborhood had changed very little since the early eighteenth century.I stared up at the house before me. If ever there was a perfect example of Golgotham architecture, this was it. With its twin turrets and ornate lightning rod perched high atop its peaked roof, it looked like an escapee from a Charles Addams cartoon. There was even a gargoyle poised atop the cornice, bat wings folded tightly against its humped back. Marshaling my nerve, I strode up the granite steps, grabbed the brass door knocker shaped like a coiled asp, and knocked as loudly as I a few moments, there came a squeal of rusty hinges as the heavy door swung open. Although I was half expecting Dracula, I was pleasantly surprised to discover the person on the other side was a very handsome young man, no older than twenty-five, with the lean, muscled body of a skater. He was dressed in a T-shirt, with SUPER FRIENDS printed on the front, skinny jeans, and had a pair of scuffed Chuck Taylors on his feet. His hair was shoulder length and unruly, as if it couldn't decide whether to be straight or curly, and deep purple in color, with pale blue tilted his head quizzically to one side, fixing me with golden eyes that had cat-slit pupils. I


Nutzloses Wissen

Traumhafte Einblicke in eine Welt, in der Werwölfe und Zentauren die Straßen bevölkern.


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