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The Mountain Shadow - G.D. Roberts, Abenteuerroman, Hardcover

12,95 Euro inkl. MwSt.
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Innerhalb von 30 Tagen
Produktart Abenteuerroman
Zustand Gut
Autor Gregory David Roberts
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Darum geht es

Qualität ist nicht nur ein Wort, wenn es um 'The Mountain Shadow' geht. Dieses Buch ist ein Meisterwerk, das dich in die komplexen Beziehungen und Intrigen von Bombays Mafia eintauchen lässt. Du wirst lachen, weinen und vor Spannung nicht schlafen können. Es ist ein Buch, das dich lehrt, was Treue und Liebe in einer Welt voller Gefahren bedeuten. Du wirst die Straßen von Bombay riechen und die Hitze auf deiner Haut spüren. Jede Seite ist ein Abenteuer, jede Wendung ein neues Rätsel. Und am Ende? Am Ende wirst du mehr über dich selbst gelernt haben, als du je für möglich gehalten hättest.


Offizielle Beschreibung

KurzbeschreibungShantaram introduced millions of readers to a cast of unforgettable characters through Lin, an Australian fugitive, working as a passport forger for a branch of the Bombay mafia. In The Mountain Shadow, the long awaited sequel, Lin must find his way in a Bombay run by a different generation of mafia dons, playing by a different set of has been two years since the events in Shantaram, and since Lin lost two people he had come to love: his father figure, Khaderbhai, and his soul mate, Karla, married to a handsome Indian media tycoon. Lin returns from a smuggling trip to a city that seems to have changed too much, too soon. Many of his old friends are long gone, the new mafia leadership has become entangled in increasingly violent and dangerous intrigues, and a fabled holy man challenges everything that Lin thought he’d learned about love and life. But Lin can’t leave the Island City: Karla, and a fatal promise, won’t let him for The Mountain Shadow:“Roberts is brilliant at creating a sense of menace and projecting the constant tension of the escaped convict, living on his wits, waiting to be murdered or betrayed at any moment . . . Crucially, he is also a man who loves and understands India . . . Nearly 900 pages of pure escape.”—Sunday Times (UK)“Roberts’s sequel to Shantaram defies easy categorization, one of its many charms. The dashing hero Lin, an Australian fugitive, is worldly, two-fisted, rides a motorcycle, has a social conscience, quotes great writers and, as the book opens, struggles bravely to get over his lost love, Karla . . . He narrates his interactions with many larger-than-life street types in an energetic and often salty first person . . . . Roberts keeps the action moving and the narrative engaging . . . This series of robust, retro capers with contemporary trappings will have readers feverishly turning the pages.”—Publishers Weekly“The first book was a hit, and this volume will follow suit.”—Library JournalPraise for Shantaram:"Shantaram is a novel of the first order, a work of extraordinary art, a thing of exceptional beauty. If someone asked me what the book was about, I would have to say everything, everything in the world. Gregory David Roberts does for Bombay what Lawrence Durrell did for Alexandria, what Melville did for the South Seas, and what Thoreau did for Walden Pond: He makes it an eternal player in the literature of the world."—Pat Conroy“Shantaram has provided me with the richest reading experience to date . . . It is seductive, powerful, complex, and blessed with a perfect voice. Like a voodoo ghost snatcher, Gregory David Roberts has captured the spirits of the likes of Henri Charrière, Rohinton Mistry, Tom Wolfe, and Mario Vargas Llosa, fused them with his own unique magic, and built the most gripping monument in print . . . Gregory David Roberts is a suitable giant, a dazzling guru, and a genius in full.”—Moses Isegawa, author of Abyssinian Chronicles and SnakepitÜber den Autor und weitere MitwirkendeGregory David Roberts escaped from a maximum-security facility and spent ten years on the run, and ten years in prison. After the publication of his first novel, the bestselling Shantaram, he spent ten years working as an ambassador for charitable and social justice organisations, and as a philosophical consultant to leaders and philanthropic foundations. He retired from public life in 2014 to devote his time to family and new writing projects.


Nutzloses Wissen

Das Buch 'The Mountain Shadow' ist die Fortsetzung des Bestsellers 'Shantaram'.


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