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The Path - Finanzielle Freiheit - Tony Robbins, Peter Mallouk

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Innerhalb von 30 Tagen
Produktart Selbsthilfebuch
Zustand Sehr gut
Autor Tony Robbins, Peter Mallouk
EAN 9781642937015
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Darum geht es

  Beschleunige deine Reise zur finanziellen Freiheit mit den Werkzeugen, Strategien und der Denkweise der Geldbeherrschung. Egal in welcher Lebensphase du dich befindest und wie deine aktuelle finanzielle Situation aussieht, die Suche nach finanzieller Freiheit kann tatsächlich gemeistert werden.


Offizielle Beschreibung

Kurzbeschreibung#1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller!Accelerate your journey to financial freedom with the tools, strategies, and mindset of money of your stage of life and your current financial picture, the quest for financial freedom can indeed be conquered. The journey will demand the right tools and strategies along with the mindset of money mastery. With decades of collective wisdom and hands-on experience, your guides for this expedition are Peter Mallouk, the only man in history to be ranked the #1 Financial Advisor in the U.S. for three consecutive years by Barron’s (2013, 2014, 2015), and Tony Robbins, the world-renowned life and business strategist. Mallouk and Robbins take the seemingly daunting goal of financial freedom and simplify it into a step-by-step process that anyone can pages of this book are filled with real-life success stories and vital lessons, such as…• Why the future is better than you think and why there is no greater time in history to be an investor• How to chart your personally tailored course for financial security• How markets behave and how to achieve peace of mind during volatility• What the financial services industry doesn’t want you to know• How to select a financial advisor that puts your interests first• How to navigate, select, or reject the many types of investments available• Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure! Financial freedom is not only about money—it’s about feeling deeply fulfilled in your own personal journey“Want an eye-opening guide to money management—one that tells it like it is and will make you laugh along the way? Peter Mallouk’s tour of the financial world is a tour de force that’ll change the way you think about money.” —Jonathan Clements, Former Columnist for The Wall Street Journal and current board member and Director of Financial Education at Creative Planning“Robbins is the best economic moderator that I’ve ever worked with. His mission to bring insights from the world’s greatest financial minds to the average investor is truly inspiring.” —Alan Greenspan, Former Federal Reserve Chairman“Tony is a force of nature.” —Jack Bogle, Founder of VanguardÜber den Autor und weitere MitwirkendePeter Mallouk is the President of Creative Planning, named the #1 Independent Financial Advisory Firm in America by Barron’s (2017).* Barron’s magazine named Peter the #1 Independent Financial Advisor in America three straight years (2013, 2014, and 2015).* CNBC named Creative Planning the #1 Independent Wealth Management Firm in the United States on the only rankings the network ever released (2014–2015).* Peter is featured on Worth magazine’s 2017 and 2018 Power 100 rankings, a list featuring the 100 most powerful men and women in global finance.* In 2017, Peter was a recipient of the Ernst & Young Central Midwest Entrepreneur of the Year Award.* Creative Planning provides comprehensive wealth management services to high-net-worth clients, including investment management, financial planning, charitable planning, retirement plan consulting, tax planning, and estate planning services. Creative Planning currently manages nearly $50 billion for clients in all fifty states. *Please see important disclosure information on The Path website at under the Important Disclosure Information Robbins is a bestselling author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. For more than thirty-seven years, millions of people have enjoyed the warmth, humor, and the transformational power of Mr. Robbins’ business and personal development events. As a world-renowned life and business strategist, he’s called upon to consult and coach with some of the world’s finest athletes, entertainers, Fortune 500 CEOs, and even presidents of nations. Robbins is a founder or partner in over a dozen companies in industries as diverse as a five-star Fijian Island resort to custom 3D-printed prosthetic limbs. Through the Tony Robbi


Nutzloses Wissen

  Der Autor Peter Mallouk ist der einzige Mann in der Geschichte, der drei Jahre in Folge zum #1 Finanzberater in den USA von Barron’s gewählt wurde (2013, 2014, 2015).


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