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Whale Song by Andrew Stevenson - North Atlantic Humpbacks, Hardcover

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Produktart Coffetable Book
Grössenkategorie 9
Zustand Akzeptabel
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Darum geht es

Unerreicht in seiner Fähigkeit, dich mit den majestätischen Buckelwalen des Nordatlantiks bekannt zu machen, bietet 'Whale Song' eine Reise, die so tief und weitreichend ist wie die Ozeane selbst. Du wirst lachen, du wirst weinen, und du wirst definitiv zu viel Zeit damit verbringen, über die Existenz dieser sanften Riesen nachzudenken. Dieses Buch ist wie ein Tauchgang in eine andere Welt, ohne dass du dir Sorgen um den Dekompressionsstopp machen musst. Es ist ein Fenster in eine Welt, die so geheimnisvoll ist, dass selbst die Wissenschaftler noch raten. Du wirst dich fühlen, als hättest du einen neuen besten Freund in der Tiefe gefunden, und wer weiß, vielleicht fängst du an, im Duschgesang Wale zu imitieren.


Offizielle Beschreibung

Kurzbeschreibung Four years ago, as Andrew Stevenson and his daughter Elsa watched a humpback launch itself out of the water off a Bermudan beach, she asked the question, “Why does a whale breach?” This was the beginning of an interesting and challenging project to film the whales underwater, fifteen miles off shore, in the middle of their migratory crossings. Stevenson’s unique, close-up photographs, video footage, and audio recordings have provided remarkable new evidence of the whales’ migratory lives in the waters around Bermuda, their breeding grounds in the Caribbean and their feeding grounds off the coast of ’s award-winning documentary film and his book, Whale Song are the astonishing result of his work with the humpback whales and serve as a valued addition to what we know about these mysterious and majestic animals.   Klappentext Bermuda is the only mid-ocean platform in the northern hemisphere providing a window into the migratory social behaviour of North Atlantic humpback whales. Four years ago, as Andrew Stevenson and his young daughter Elsa watched a forty-five-foot, forty-five-ton humpback launch itself out of the water off a Bermudan beach, she asked the question, ‘Why does a whale breach?’This was the beginning of an interesting and challenging project to film the whales underwater, fifteen miles off shore, in the middle of their migratory crossings. The whales have since become an overriding passion. Andrew’s unique, close-up underwater photographs and footage, audio recordings and close to 500 identifying photographs of flukes have provided remarkable new evidence of the whales’ lives in the waters around Bermuda, their breeding grounds in the Caribbean and their feeding grounds off the coast of the early 1950s, Frank Watlington, listening out for Soviet submarines off the coast of Bermuda, first recorded the ‘singing’ of humpback whales. Andrew has cast new light on the role played by these‘songs’ in enabling the whales to communicate as they group themselves in convoys to run the gauntlet of orcas, or killer whales, further north. However, Andrew is the first to admit that he is not a marine biologist – this is his personal story of his journeys with these awe-inspiring 2010, Andrew’s pathbreaking work was recognized when his filmWhere the Whales Sing, which was co-written and narrated by his daughter Elsa, won the Best Emerging Underwater Film-maker Award at the Blue Ocean Film Festival in Monterey, California. Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende Andrew Stevenson has spent over five years and close to 1,000 hours on or in the water observing North Atlantic humpback whales off Bermuda. His work has appeared in The Explorers Journal of the New York Explorers Club and the Society of Marine Mammology. In 2010, Andrew’s film ‘Where the Whales Sing’, won the Best Emerging Underwater Film-maker Award at the Blue Ocean Film Festival.


Nutzloses Wissen

Willst du wissen, dass Walforscher oft Jahre damit verbringen, die Gesänge der Wale zu entschlüsseln?


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