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You Are What You Eat - Dr. Gillian McKeith Ernährungsratgeber Hardcover

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Innerhalb von 30 Tagen
Produktart Ratgeber für Gesundheit
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Autor Dr. Gillian McKeith
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Darum geht es

Bis du dieses Buch in den Händen hältst, denkst du vielleicht, dass Essen nur eine Notwendigkeit ist. Aber dann beginnt die Reise in eine Welt, in der Lebensmittel deine Superkräfte aktivieren können. Du wirst lernen, wie man mit Quinoa flirten und Avocados um den Finger wickeln kann. Du wirst entdecken, dass Grünkohl nicht nur ein Trend ist, sondern ein Lebensgefühl. Du wirst verstehen, warum deine Großmutter immer sagte, dass man mit Liebe kocht. Du wirst die Geheimnisse der Gewürze entschlüsseln und warum Ingwer mehr als nur eine Wurzel ist. Du wirst lernen, wie man mit einem Apfel mehr als nur den Arzt fernhält. Du wirst erfahren, warum Wasser das neue Gold ist. Und am Ende wirst du nicht nur dein Essen, sondern auch dich selbst in einem ganz neuen Licht sehen.


Offizielle Beschreibung

Kurzbeschreibung “Slimmer, healthier, and happier . . . that’s my promise to you.” —Dr. Gillian McKeith In this record-breaking international bestseller, Dr. Gillian McKeith, “the world’s most acclaimed nutritionist” (Daily Mail, UK), offers a simple yet revolutionary plan to break bad eating habits and improve your heath and appearance in no time. Dr. Gillian McKeith is known the world over for her ability to turn around even the very worst eaters, and set dieters on the path of living healthier, happier, and slimmer lives. Discover her fabulous diet secrets and get ready to meet the new you. o Take the food IQ test and find out what your diet is doing to you. o Banish your cravings. o Discover how small changes are going to make a big difference o Eat more, not less Follow Dr. McKeith’s simple advice and seven-day jumpstart plan and you’ll look and feel fantastic. You’ll be amazed at the difference a few changes can make, and how easy it can be. Just give it a try and see… Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende Gillian McKeith, Ph.D., is the internationally acclaimed clinical nutritionist and director of the renowned McKeith Research Centre in London. Her extensive clientele includes professional and Olympic athletes, members of the royal family, and famous celebrities. Dr. Gillian is the presenter of You Are What You Eat, a smash hit prime-time TV show in the UK, and the author of the number-one bestselling book You Are What You Eat, which is now being translated into other languages around the world. She is also the author of Living Food for Health,(Piatkus/Basic). Raised in Scotland, Gillian now travels extensively, giving lectures and seminars to packed audiences. Leseprobe. Abdruck erfolgt mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Rechteinhaber. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Some people paint me as the unrepentant ruthless nutritionist, obsessed with natural foods and healthy diet. My own mother is afraid to spend Christmas dinner with me, because she is worried that I’ll start lecturing her on good food and bad food, and my daughter has been known to call me a “food freak.” Okay, I admit it. I am passionate about what goes into your body. I wasn’t always like this though. Years ago I ate only foods that were frozen, or in a plastic package, and I could not get through the day without my daily ration of chips and chocolate bars. Growing up in the Highlands of Scotland, I loved my diet of mince and potatoes, fish and chips, custard and jam rolls. And then I fell in love with an American, a health nut. I went to live near his home in Philadelphia, but I refused to let his weird ways influence my normal lifestyle. That is, until my twenty-fourth birthday, which is when everything changed. My boyfriend surprised me with an envelope. All it said on the card was that I was “going on a long journey to a special place” on my special day. At that very moment, I had no idea as to just how long my journey would be. We jumped in the car and began the very long drive to an undisclosed location. During the six-hour-long drive, I imagined luxury hotel rooms with hot tubs, perhaps overlooking the mountains or prairie, by a river or a hot spring. After a few hours on the highway, I spotted a sign blaring, “New York State Welcomes You.” I then started to imagine visiting the Empire State Building, Broadway, the Statue of Liberty, staying on Fifth Avenue or Madison Avenue. My heart was pounding with anticipation. This Scottish lassie was on her way to the “Big Apple” in this big country with this big man. Wow, what a birthday! Just before the seventh hour we arrived at our destination. No Big Apple, no mountains and certainly no hot tub in sight. “We are going to a macrobiotic lunch for your birthday,” Mr. America shockingly gushes. “To a what?” I shoot back. “You’ll see,” he calmly assures. We entered a ramshackle hut filled with dozens of people sitting around makeshift folding tables and folding chairs with paper


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