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Your Fit Pregnancy Ernährung Fitness Ratgeber Schwangerschaft Buch

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Innerhalb von 30 Tagen
Produktart Ratgeber für Gesundheit
Zustand Sehr gut
Autor Erica Willick
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Darum geht es

Besonderes: Wer sagt, dass man während der Schwangerschaft nicht fit bleiben kann? 'Your Fit Pregnancy' ist der ultimative Begleiter für alle werdenden Mütter, die Wert auf Ernährung und Fitness legen. Mit trimesterspezifischen Workouts und Ernährungsplänen, die von einer zweifachen nordamerikanischen Fitness-Champion-Mutter entwickelt wurden, ist dieses Buch ein Muss. Es bietet nicht nur praktische Tipps und Rezepte, sondern auch inspirierende Geschichten von echten Müttern. Ob du nun deine Yoga-Routine anpassen oder einfach nur gesund bleiben willst, dieses Buch hat für jede Schwangerschaftsphase etwas zu bieten. Und das Beste? Es hilft dir, nach der Geburt schneller wieder in Form zu kommen. Also, schnapp dir deine Sportschuhe und lass uns loslegen!


Offizielle Beschreibung

Über den Autor und weitere MitwirkendeErica Willick is a two-time North American fitness competition champion. She earned these titles competing in 2012 and 2013, after the birth of her first child in 2010 and while working full-time in a corporate finance job. Erica has appeared in print magazines such as Oxygen as both a model and an author. She is also the founder of SISTERS IN SHAPE, an online community where over 15,000 women regularly read and watch Erica's writings and videos on nutrition, fitness, and how to balance it all in real life. Erica is a regular guest on Canada's largest talk radio station, AM 590, as a health and fitness expert, and also appears as a featured speaker at health and fitness workshops. She is a spokesperson for UFE (Ultimate Fitness Events). Erica is also the CEO of GORGO Women's Fitness magazine, which debuted in 2013 and now has over 25,000 subscribers. Her blog&;about pre- and post-natal fitness and health&;receives about 11,000 hits per weekly post. You can find out more about Erica at . She lives in Ontario, Willick is a two-time North American fitness competition champion. She earned these titles competing in 2012 and 2013, after the birth of her first child in 2010 and while working full-time in a corporate finance job. Erica has appeared in print magazines such as Oxygen as both a model and an author. She is also the founder of SISTERS IN SHAPE, an online community where over 15,000 women regularly read and watch Erica's writings and videos on nutrition, fitness, and how to balance it all in real life. Erica is a regular guest on Canada's largest talk radio station, AM 590, as a health and fitness expert, and also appears as a featured speaker at health and fitness workshops. She is a spokesperson for UFE (Ultimate Fitness Events). Erica is also the CEO of GORGO Women's Fitness magazine, which debuted in 2013 and now has over 25,000 subscribers. Her blog'about pre- and post-natal fitness and health'receives about 11,000 hits per weekly post. You can find out more about Erica at . She lives in Ontario, today's woman, pregnancy is no longer a "delicate condition." She's working, managing commitments inside and outside the home, and eager to stay fit&;maybe even running a marathon! For the first time, there's a guide for all the moms-to-be that breaks down exercise and nutrition trimester-by-trimester, written by a mother who's also a two-time North American fitness champion, model, and spokeswoman for the UFE (Ultimate Fitness Event) organization. It offers complete workouts tailored to different fitness levels and stages of pregnancy, along with healthy meal plans and 50 recipes. Real moms chime in with inspirational stories of how they successfully kept happy, healthy, and fit even in stressful situations, and there's advice on everything from setting workout goals and dealing with lagging motivation to choosing sports bras, staying hydrated, and coping with unwanted advice.


Nutzloses Wissen

Zeitlos: Auch während der Schwangerschaft kann man fit bleiben!


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